Membership price list is updated
The value-added tax of sport services in Finland changed from 10 percent to 14 percent starting in 1.1.2025. For this reason, we have had to review and update our membership price list. For the new members, the updated membership price list will take effect from 28.2.2025 at 8.00 and for the current members from 1.4.2025.
What will change?
In the future, there will be two price categories in our on-going memberships: members who joined before the price change and members who joined after the price change.
The price change is more moderate for current members than for new members. Therefore, every member who joined before the price change falls into a more affordable price category than those who joined after the price change.
As before, we will continue to offer a reduced price for students and seniors.
The new membership price list, on-going membership
What you need to do?
The price will be updated automatically to your membership, and it does not require any action from you. You will continue to receive all the benefits with the same membership.
How will the invoicing happen?
The invoicing will happen the same way as before. You will receive the first invoice with the new membership price after mid-March. This invoice will apply to April’s membership fee.
If you are having a valid campaign price, your membership price will be updated after the campaign period, however earliest from 1.4.2025. The update will happen automatically, and it does not require any action from you.
Updates to the terms of membership and the booking rules of group training
With the updates of the membership price list, we also have made clarifications to the terms of membership and changes to the booking rules of group training. The terms of membership have been updated from the clauses 3.5., 5.1.1 and 18.4. You can read the terms from here. The updates of the terms do not require any action from you.
The violation fee
We have noticed some misuses of memberships at the gyms. Therefore, in the future, Fitness24Seven will impose a violation fee of 200 € to the member who has misused their membership. This applies to situations where member lets someone else to F24S’s facilities with their own membership.
The booking rules of group training
We also have made updates to the booking rules of group training based on customer feedback. The updates will take effect from Monday 3.3.2025.
In the future, member can have three bookings for the same day (previously two). Within four days, member can have a total of eight bookings (previously five). The cancellation period for bookings will be increased to three hours (previously 1 hour) and for waiting lists to two hours (previously 30 minutes). In addition, the validity of an individual notification regarding missed class will be reduced to 45 days (previously 90 days).
It's great that you're part of our training group. See you soon at the gym!
Best regards,