What is the new price?
For members who joined before 28.2.2025 at 7.59 AM, the monthly fee for standard membership is 29.99 €/month and for students/seniors it is 27.99 €/month. These prices will be updated starting from 1.4.2025.
The new monthly fees for memberships purchased after 28.2.2025 at 8.00 AM are 32.90€/month for standard membership and 30.90 €/month for students/seniors.
The new price for a 12-month fixed-term membership is 429 €, and for students/seniors, it is 389 €.
The new price for a 6-month fixed-term membership is 259 €, and for students/seniors, it is 249 €.
The new membership prices will take effect from 28.2.2025 at 8:00 AM.

Why do you have two different pricing categories?
The differentiation in pricing is our way of thanking members who joined before the price change by allowing them to keep a slightly lower rate. As before, we will continue to offer discounted prices for students and seniors.

Why are you changing prices?
As of 1.1.2025, the Finnish Parliament has raised the VAT on sports services from 10% to 14%. Due to this, we have had to review and update our membership pricing. We want to continue being a gym that is accessible to everyone with a transparent and all-inclusive membership model. This price adjustment enables us to maintain that in the future.

The updated membership prices will take effect for new members on 28.2.2025 at 8:00 AM and for existing members on 1.4.2025.

Does the price change affect me if I have an annual or 6-month membership?
If you purchased a fixed-term membership (6 months / 12 months), the price change does not affect you directly. However, if you choose to renew your membership after the fixed period ends, you will need to do so at the current membership prices.

Does the price change affect me if I have a corporate membership?
Currently, the price change does not apply to those who have joined through corporate sales under a specific pricing agreement.

Does the price change affect me if I have an access membership?
For those who joined as access members before 31.1.2024, the price will not increase. Otherwise, the price will be updated according to the current pricing for basic membership.
Access Membership: Some of our gyms offer easy access for individuals with mobility limitations, and this membership includes all such gyms. You can find accessible gyms on our website using the filter “Pyörätuoli sisäänkäynti”.

Do you have the right to change membership prices?
According to the membership agreement, the membership price remains valid as stated in the contract terms. These terms allow us to increase the monthly fee with a one-month notice period. During this notice period (until 31.3.2025), you have the right to terminate your membership with a two-month notice period. During this notice period, you will only be charged the price of your current membership type.

How does the billing work?
The price adjustment will be made automatically, and no action is required from members. Billing will continue as usual. The first invoice with the new membership price will arrive in mid-March and will cover the membership fee for April.
However, if you have set a payment limit for e-invoicing or direct debit, you will need to update this in your online banking settings.
I have paid for my membership in advance using a sports benefit. Will the price change affect me? 
The new price will only apply to your membership after the prepaid period, so you do not need to pay the difference for the time already paid in advance. 

Are you changing prices? Why haven’t I received any notification?
We have sent an email to all members affected by the price change on Friday, February 28, 2025. If you have not received this, we recommend that you also check your spam folder. It is also possible that the email address registered with us is no longer your primary or active address. You can check the contact information provided to us at the gym reception, in the mobile app or on our website and update it if necessary. According to the membership terms and conditions, Fitness24Seven will communicate all matters related to membership via email. Members are responsible for keeping their profile email address up to date and updating their information if there are any changes.

Why are you changing prices for everyone? Couldn’t you change prices only for those who use group training, etc.?
Our values and vision have always been that workout opportunities should be accessible to everyone. The membership should include all our services comprehensively and be as easy to use as possible. This means that group training classes, 24/7 access, entry to all gyms, and women's-only gyms are all included in one membership. This is our vision, and we are proud to offer everything under one membership.

Can I get any kind of discount now that prices have changed?
To maintain clarity, we offer only one type of membership – the standard membership. However, we still have a discounted option for seniors and students.
Members can also earn free workout months by recruiting friends to join. The more friends you recruit, the more free workout months you receive. Additionally, our Loyalty benefits program is continuously being reviewed and developed to provide even more meaningful benefits and services to our members in the future.

My gym hasn’t been renovated / only has old equipment – why should I pay more?
We understand that this may feel unfair. We actively update and renovate our older gyms and strive to provide equal services to all members across Finland. Your membership still allows you to workout at any of our gyms without additional costs, including access to group training classes at GROUP centers.