Contact us

Contact Form
At the bottom of this website, you can use the contact form to submit a request and message to us. Our customer service representative will contact you via email.

Chat Bot
An AI service trained to answer simpler questions and help find answers in most situations. The Chat Bot is located in the bottom right corner of this site.

Live Chat
A quick and agile chat with an employee, helping with more personalized membership-related issues, excluding freezing or canceling memberships. Open weekdays Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 15:00. Live Chat is available in the bottom right corner of this site.

Frequently Asked Questions
General answers to common questions related to billing, payments, memberships, mobile access, our fitness centers, and services. Available by clicking the house icon on the Help Center homepage.

Current Announcements
Current announcements include any reception desk exceptions and maintenance updates. Help Center Homepage > Categories > News.

Customer Feedback
Submit feedback through the contact form by selecting the category "Other". If the feedback is about a specific gym, please title the message "Customer Feedback: GYM NAME (e.g., Helsinki Käpylä)." If your feedback is general and not directed at a specific fitness center, title it "Customer Feedback."

Centralized Email
The centralized customer service email can assist with more personal membership-related issues. Terminations are handled through the "My Pages" section of the website, but in case of issues, the centralized email can help. Address: Response time is approximately 1-2 business days.

Gym-specific phone numbers provide assistance during reception hours. Reception hours can be found here.

Contact us form

