Why did I receive an email regarding an open invoice?

An email regarding an open invoice is sent automatically for members whose payment for the most recent invoice has not registered in our system. There can be many reasons for this and we have listed a few examples below:

  • The e-invoice permit has not been activated in the member's personal online bank at all or it has been activated so late that the invoices have already been sent. The e-invoice is sent once a month to the online bank and it arrives successfully to those members who have had an active e-invoice permit attached to the customer profile when the invoice is sent. If the e-invoice permit is not active or hasn't correctly registered to our system, the invoice cannot be delivered.

  • The e-invoice has been sent as agreed but the payment has not been confirmed and thus the invoice is still unpaid.

  • The payment details of the e-invoice have been changed manually and thus the payment has not registered correctly to our system.

Reccuring card payment (RCP)
  • The card information have not been added at all or the payment card has expired.

  • There wasn't enough money on the account at the time of withdrawal.

  • There is a block for online purhcases on the card. 

You can pay the open invoice at any F24S reception in Finland during reception opening hours by the given due date in each email. After this, if the invoice still remains unpaid, the debt will be transferred to reminder service. More information about the reminder service policy can be found in this article: ​Payment reminder​​​
F24S Customer Service
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