Activity on social media should adhere to good taste in terms of text content, images, and videos.
At Fitness24Seven, we value our customers and are more than happy to hear what they have to say. Our social media channels serve as a platform for sharing ideas, thoughts, news, and inspiration. It is important to us that dialogues on our channels adhere to our social media terms and show respect for others.

To maintain the best possible atmosphere and protect our members, Fitness24Seven has established the following terms for posts and comments. "Messages and comments" refer to any content, in any form, posted on Fitness24Seven’s social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). Please note that Fitness24Seven is legally obligated to remove posts and comments that violate applicable laws.

To ensure the best possible atmosphere on our social media channels and at our fitness centers, members must adhere to the following terms:
  1. Healthy Approach to Exercise: At Fitness24Seven, we believe that exercise should be positive and fun. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding prohibited substances, so we do not allow posts or comments containing information about them.
  2. Unauthorized Appearance of Other Members: We want everyone to feel comfortable in our gyms. If you take videos or pictures at the gym, ensure that only you or those who have given permission appear on camera. Displaying other members without their consent in images or videos is strictly prohibited and against our rules.
  3. Offensive Content Towards Groups: Posts or comments that can be perceived as threatening or disrespectful towards any ethnic group or similar group, referencing race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, are not allowed on our channels.
  4. Insults, Derogatory Statements, and Personal Attacks: Fitness24Seven has a zero-tolerance policy for threats, insults, and harassment, regardless of the target. Remember, everyone is different and may have different perceptions of what is degrading. Therefore, be particularly careful when commenting on someone else’s image, comment, or post.
  5. Profanity or Inappropriate Language: Respecting others is important, and Fitness24Seven does not accept messages or comments that contain profanity, sexist remarks, or other inappropriate language.
  6. Defamation or Spread of Private Information: It is not permitted to post content that could be considered defamatory, speculative, rumor-spreading, or gossip about an individual. This also applies to comments containing private information.
  7. Information Violating Privacy Legislation: Fitness24Seven is required to comply with applicable privacy legislation. Posting content that includes sensitive personal information or breaches an individual’s privacy or otherwise violates current privacy laws is not allowed.
  8. Commercial Messages, Advertisements, or Spam: We may remove comments and messages that are not relevant to the channel’s purpose or are considered spam—whether they are links, comments, emojis, images, or videos. This also applies to advertisements for products, events, businesses, and similar.
  9. Other Illegal or Inappropriate Content: We reserve the right to remove posts and comments that violate applicable laws or contain directly or indirectly:
  • Illegal depictions of violence or pornography.
  • Incitement to crime or other criminal activities.
  • Unauthorized use of copyrighted material.

We will remove comments and messages that violate our rules and report them. We will notify the police of matters that break the law, such as threats or incitement against a group of people. We may also block users who do not follow our rules.
In other words, communicate on our page with consideration for others and as kindly as possible. If you want to share thoughts more privately, you can also send us a private message on social media or email our centralized customer service at
We hope to hear from you soon!