Please remember to cancel your reservation if you are unable to attend a group fitness class.
Cancellations can be made easily through the app, and doing so on time allows another participant to take your spot.

  Cancellation Policy:  
  • Cancel at least 1 hour before the start of the class.
    This applies to regular reservations.
  • Places obtained from the waitlist must be canceled at least 30 minutes before the start of the class.
    If you have secured a spot from the waitlist, you need to cancel with a stricter timeline.

  Warnings & Booking Restrictions:  
  • If you do not cancel your reservation on time and fail to attend the class, you will receive a warning
  • The warning will automatically be removed after 90 days.
  • If you have three (3) active warnings, you will receive a three (3) week booking ban. The ban starts from the most recent warning and applies to advance bookings through the app.
  Drop-in Spots:  
Even if you have a booking ban, you can still attend the class by using a drop-in spot. Drop-in spots become available 10 minutes before the class starts and can be claimed through the app. See detailed instructions on how to claim drop-in spots here.